Beth Moore is doing a scripture memorization for the year, two verses a month. I first read about it on MiMi's blog, I checked it out at the LPM blog and decided to jump on that band wagon, because what is one thing that I can do in 2009 to get to know my God more? Know His Word!! So today I jumped over and saw that BMoore has a mini-tutorial about scripture memorization, and it is REALLY good. If you haven't seen it yet jump on over there from here. And check it out, and if you haven't committed to it yet, can I just encourage you to start memorizing scripture this year, it is never to late to hide God's Word in your heart.
Now just a couple of updates. I told you last week about my friend Cassie who is battling cancer, well she is in a real struggle. Please pray for her. From what I understand it has spread. She is fighting hard, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. They are having a benefit for her on February 7th, please be in prayer for that is well. I'm excited to see what God will do!!!
My cousin and her husband and kids (Heather, Cliff, Devin and Kae) left for China yesterday to adopt their 13 year old son (MingZhi). Please pray for God's favor as they are over there and that He would just cover their every move this His love and faithfulness. H,C, D and K are just some of the best people I know. I love them so much. I will keep you update on their progress as well.
Just one more thing on the knee front: my knee is swelling on the bottom part, which is new. My PTist said yesterday that it is because I am on it too much. It is so hard when you are feeling better to not do stuff, ya know what I mean? So apparently my Target trip was too much, (among other things ~~ oh boo). So I have a new sock thing I have to wear and need to stay off of it more to keep the swelling down. She said it is swelling in the joint. Okay now that can't be good on a new finagled joint now can it? I need to be a better patient huh?
Okay so I said this was ramblings and updates, so one more rambling (since I'm done with the updates for now =) Dak is ordering his class ring today. Do ya'll remember your class ring? Do you still have it? We have ours somewhere, but I can't seem to find them. Hmmmmmmm I need to get on that. I am so excited for Dak. He chose a really
Have a Blessed and fun Friday,

FUN... class ring time! I still have mine & LOVE it still. I bought a very unusual ring - you wouldnt even KNOW its a class ring - it had a black onyx (which I was totally into in the 80's) with my name etched around the oval - it just looked like a design & the year was designed in as well - it had to be pointed out - otherwise, it looks like an elegant ring... I still wear it... Love thinking outside the box!
ReplyDeleteBOO for no more Target trips but Yeah for CYC!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend, friend!
I never got a class ring, but Dave still has his. They have changed SO much from when we were in school. Doesn't it seem impossible for Dak to be old enough for a class ring?? Where does the time go?
ReplyDeleteTake it easy on your knee... we want progress!!!