Hubbie had to get all the anti-don't-hack-into-my-computer stuff back on there (yes I know very technical =) and Dak had to get my Itunes re-installed (yeah the important to the teen stuff) and then last night I spent a few minutes relearning my keyboard. (Isn't that funny how all laptops are just a little different?) And of course had to get reacquainted with my ~~ button. I heart this button and on this laptop it is in a wonderful place, so we got reacquainted, as you will be able to see in this post already ~~~~~ =)
And then I reinstalled my Smilebox account, and oh, be still my love-to-design-my-own-header's-lovin' heart, we are reunited (and it feels so good ~~ hahahaha). So be looking for some fun new designs coming your way. And remember the barter deal still stands. Let me re-do your blog for say, a knitted scarf, ahem..... (just an example RJ =) really anything you make or don't make, if you just want me to play around with it, I will, I am just handy that way... Anyway, I have some exciting new designs now that me and Smilebox are back together ~~~~~ YAY!!!
And this week I will be working on getting my recipe blog updated as well. I have so many recipes to add, just call me MiMi, okay on second thought don't do that because hers are way better than mine. Hers are complete with pics and wonderful explanations and mine, well there just what I like to cook around here, usually not complete with pics because I am forgetful and think about it about the time the things in the oven, or better yet, I just don't want to take the time to clean my hands and grab the camera for each step. So ya'll need to go over right now and give MiMi a HUGE blog-HUG for all she does with that recipe blog of hers....truly amazing!!! And the food ~~ get-out-of-town good ~~~~ good I tell ya, so go visit her and make something yummee of hers tonight for dinner ~~ you will not be sorry!!!!!
So have you ever been in the kitchen and cooking an apple crisp with your Ipod blaring out your most beloved play list that you've heard a hundred times and you hear a song that you've heard a hundred-gazillion times and the Lord just quickens your heart and you start to cry, because He is just that good? Has that ever happened to you?
Well it just happened to me, right before I came to write this post. I was standing in my kitchen making said apple crisp and the song "Amazed" by Jared Anderson was gracing my Ipod and the Lord graced my kitchen with the most beautiful Spirit. Listen to these words, just listen to this:
"You dance over me,
While I am unaware.
You sing all around,
And I never hear a sound.
Lord, I'm amazed by You!
Lord, I'm amazed by You!
Lord, I'm amazed by You,
How You love me!
How wide,
How deep,
How great is Your love for me!"
What an amazing song!! God just came right into my kitchen and started dancing over me with His beautiful Spirit ~~~ Oh Sweet Holy Spirit You are welcome to dance in my kitchen anytime.
It was beautiful.
Have a Blessed day,

You crack me up!!! Girl.. there doesnt even have to be bartering involved.. you just tell me what kind, color, whatever scarf you want & its yours!!! I was actually working on a pair of knitted socks & wondered what size your foot was... you aint felt NOTHING like knitted socks! Especially in the winter!
ReplyDeleteI love coming here every day too to see what design you have going on... I love how you change it up... I'm one of those people afraid of changes.... love these bright colors... makes me really feel like its summer!!!
YIPEE for the lovely computer to be back home, safe in your hands! :o) & full of the itunes again!
I love that song so much!
ReplyDeleteCute new header! I especially like the little birdies =)
The new header pic is adorable and what precious boys! You are good at this blog stuff! :) Welcome home to your laptop!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you got your computer back. You must've been so lonely!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I see you've redesigned again!! :)
Glad you got your baby back! LOL
ReplyDeleteLove the new header, you are soooo talented! I would knit you a new scarf for a new look, but I don't knit!!! LOL
What?!? You have a recipe blog? How did I not know this?