Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes.....

This morning during my quiet time with the LORD, I was awakened afresh and anew to the fact that God, very God, came in the womb of a precious, darling young girl, and lived in an earthen vessel, to make Salvation a reality for us. No more animal sacrifices needed. Christ, the sacrificial Lamb, gave up His life for mine. Truly amazing. And a reality that hit deep in my heart today.

Oddly enough I was NOT reading out of Luke, nope, I was reading in Psalm 37:37 "Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is future for the man of peace." Peace: a resounding theme at CHRISTmas......Joy: what my heart is feeling during this time of year ~~

Psalm 37:39 "The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; He is their stronghold in time of trouble." Salvation: what CHRIST died to bring us ~~ PRAISE HIS NAME!!!

As I read these verses, my heart drifted to that manger scene and Jesus residing in the womb of a young girl, and then in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes yes, but also wrapped in human flesh, an earthen vessel, for the time appointed by God for His Son to come; THE very moment that He was to come to start the journey to the cross to die for us who could never save ourselves.

CHRISTmas is so much more than the trimmings. I purposely decorate our home to reveal CHRIST in all the nooks and crannies. When I look at our decorations I see crosses and nativities, delicately decorated children ornaments from my babe when he was little and beautiful memories in every corner. Christ came that we might have life and have it to the fullest. He died to give us life. That is what my heart is turned to this day as He prepares my heart through this season for whatever He has for us in the future. I am so very thankful to be His daughter. I am a well-blessed woman.


Please remember Dak today. He is still having health issues and will return to the doctor this afternoon at 2:00 pm. Thank you for remembering him.

Also we are preparing to return to Mayo next week and the weather looks iffy. Isn't it always iffy in the Frozen Tundra? just saying' =)

Thanks for your prayers.

Have a Blessed and Beautiful day,


  1. So wild for our minds to wrap around the humbleness of Christ to come as a child - a human child... something we get so wrapped in forgetting during this season... how sad is that? Thank you for the reminder!

    And poor Dak... most definitely praying for him & his health!

    AND for your travels. Hope you dont get snowed in anywhere!

  2. Dawn,

    Praying that all goes well for both you and Dak and that God goes with you both and gives you peace that passes all understanding.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. I like how in your blog you bring Christ to my attention every time I read it. CHRISTmas says it all.
    I hope both you and Dak are on the road to recovery.
    There is a saying here in Minnesota..."If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute."
    Our weather is very changeable.

  4. Praying that we all keep Christ our focus this season of His birthday celebration!

    Praying for Dak as well.
