Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Bible Study .... Jonah: NALI.... Weeks 5 & 6

Well, here we are....the end of our Fall Bible Study and WOW what a wonderful time in God's Word and with God's ladies.
I have so enjoyed my time through this study and with you all so much and really look forward to more study time together coming up.

Let's discuss that for just a moment shall we? With knee surgery coming up (next Thursday) and the recovery process that will be approximately 3 months in PT etc., and with the holidays coming up, we will be starting our next Bible Study after the first of the year. That seems like such a long time to me, but sometime between now and then we'll get on Chatzy and discuss some holiday things and catch up a little. I'll send out an e-mail on that a little later.

As far as what our next study will be, well that hasn't quite been decided yet. I mean God knows, but I don't.....not just yet. I have an idea =) and am so excited about it, but not sure, so I will be praying and doing a little research and will let you know so you can get your books well before our study begins just after the first of the year.

Okay, so now that business is out of the way....let's do some study!!


I would love to hear your overall thoughts on weeks 5 & 6. In fact, we may just make that a question......to start. Not question #1, just an opening thought this week.

Now to week 5:

Day 2: Priscilla Shirer references a passage of Scripture that I have studied at some length at different times in my life.

II Corinthians 12:7-9 "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three time sI pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Page 112: "God could have removed Paul's ailment. He could have lightened the load....God could have done those things, but doing so would have annulled one of His primary purposes for His people; to teach them to tap into divine power to accomplish divine purposes."

Page 113: "instead of grumbling over the insurmountable odds, this time Jonah just moved forward in immediate obedience to God's commission. He "began to go through the city one day's walk and he cried out" the message that the Lord had given to declare to the lost pagans (Jonah 3:4).
In spite of the odds, both men made huge impacts that affected thousands. Both learned that: "my grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness" (II Cor. 12:9)."

Question #1: Give an example from your life where God's grace was sufficient for you in a particular season in your life....how God's power was perfected in your weakness in a specific way.


Week 5 - Day 4:

Page 119: "The story of Jonah testifies to the power of our willingness to yield to divine interruptions and leads us to consider two things: the effect the Word has on unbelievers and the effect our simple obedience has in our personal circumstances."

Question #2: That last sentence is very interesting. How do you believe the Word effects an unbeliever? What is your response to someone who doesn't know Christ, when it comes to the Word?

How does simple obedience effect our personal circumstances? Do you ever feel like you just make things too complicated sometimes?


On Day 5 Week 5: The whole discussion on "The Repenting God" was very interesting to me. I don't really have a question on this, just thought it was very interesting. Do you have any thoughts on this?

The Hebrew word to indicate man's repentance "shub" meaning 'to turn' from sin to God, and the word used for God's repentance 'nacham' which means "to be moved to pity" is very interesting.


Week 6:

Question 3:

Just as God provided the fish in Chapter 1:17, He provided the worm that chewed the vine that was giving Jonah shade and God provided a scorching east wind and the sun to blaze on Jonah's head so that he grew faint.

If God provides something for you, it is something necessary for you to have for your growth. What do you think God was trying to get across to Jonah by providing these hardships in his life? What was it that Jonah was lacking or needed to get rid of in order to be all that God created him to be?

Day 3 - Page 141: "Today consider the sensitivity of your heart toward that which God is asking you to yield. Compare the things significant to you with those significant to God. If you find any disparity, He is able and willing to soften your heart to match His desires. Ask Him to cause you to line up with His purposes - not just in action but in the deep recesses of your soul as well."
Question 4: As we close, let's just take a minute to thank God for allowing us this time over the last several weeks to be in His Word, learning and growing from the very interesting life of Jonah and also to consider our own lives in the light of His love for us.


Bonus Question: If you were making a movie on the "Life of Jonah" how would it end? What would a couple of alternate endings look like?


Thanks so much for spending your time with me through the book of Jonah. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It has been very convicting to me at times and very thought provoking.

I love you all so much....see you tonight on Chatzy.

Jonah 4:11 (New International Version)
"11 But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"


  1. OHHHHH snap!!! I totally forgot about this tonight! So glad you posted this!!!

    Anxious to see what will be the next study... I think God is really going to show you that while you are re-cooping! :)

    "See" you all later!!! :)

  2. Dawn,

    I feel absolutely terrible I haven't participated in this as much as I had hoped. SO many things require a mother's intervention. I am hoping to participate in your next study and that I will commit that time and set it aside to bless my spiritual walk.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat
