Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Lord's Day & Roses

Sunday's are a relaxing day around our house. After church we generally go home and eat, rest and relax. This is the one day of the week that we use to really recharge ourselves, but this has not always been the case. We used to actually work on Sundays and I mean like at our jobs; especially my husband. But a couple of years ago our lives changed when we both lost our jobs, so we decided that I would stay home again and he went to work for a company that said that he would not have to work Sunday's. But he was there only a short time when they started wanting him to work on Sundays as well, but my sweet man of God said no way. He has been at this company for 2 1/2 years and I can only remember one Sunday that he has worked. I'm so proud of him. He told me that God could do more with six days of his week, than he can do with seven. So with that thought in mind, we decided to trust God, and we have never been sorry. Any time we have chosen God's way over our own, even if at the time it was hard, we have never regretted it. God is ALWAYS faithful!!

So as I write on this Sabbath Sunday and think about the rules our God has set for us, it is with a very joyful heart that we rest and relax today. God knows so much more what we need than we do, and He has put those things in His Word. If I truly want to know God's will in my life I need to talk to Him, read His Word and listen for His voice in my life.

In Christ Alone,

P.S. This picture is of some roses we grow in our front bed in the spring. I just can't wait for spring to really get here, so we can plant and work in our flowers and garden. Bring it on!!!!!

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