So yesterday here are a few things that I noticed as I saundered through my busy day:
- Our HS marching band practicing, and then as they rounded the corner I saw: T ~~ he is a Junior that lives about 4 or 5 blocks away ~~ T has Cerebral Palsy ~~
He has never let it stop him ~~ he plays percussion in the band ~~ they have someone designated to push him every year ~~ He plays just as hard as the rest ~~ You go T!!
How cool is that?!!! - Dak and his friend (new to CC this year) finishing up practice, Dak turns to him and gives him a high five and tells him he did a good job today ~~ son, my boy, you do rock ~~ OH YES YOU DO ~~ I love good sportsmanship!!!!!!!
- Watching my pregnant friend be the most BEAUTIFUL preggo ever!! She turns 40 tomorrow and this is her 2nd child. She miscarried last July ~~ it was such a difficult time for her. Now she is pregnant again and simply RADIANT!! ~~ due in late Jan early Feb (I think) ~~~ She is just so beaming right now. Baby looks good on you Les!!
- So let's get on to fall shall we?!! So are you tired of me and fall yet?!! Well I sure hope not, because technically it hasn't even started yet!! Sorry for you~~ hahahaha
(So sorry for all the dots ~~ blogger has obviously had too much caffeinne and is bouncing off the walls driving me CRAZY!!!)
Okay, so first pic is of our bench that sits under the window in the LR.
Yes, I've changed it!! So what do you think?
Let me break it down for ya ~~ first off is my snowman fall guy!! As I write this I am smiling from ear to ear ~~ because I heart snomen ~~ Oh yes I do!!
And this guy was a gift from a dear dear friend several years ago!!
Yep it goes out every year ~~ Love u Dorothy!! Thanks again!!
And yes that is a cart of fall goodness he is pushing, and yes it is two pieces, and yes I AM CRAZY ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!! One of my fav pieces!!!!!
And then this lovely, is the gift my neighbor came bearing that I told ya about. This was her grandma's and she wanted me to have it. So I turned it upside down with fall potpourri in it and added a candle to the top (or bottom ~~ however you look at that :0) and tied fall ribbon around the candle and voila ~~ lovely!! Thanks Kim!!!
This use to be a candle. I think I picked it up at a yard sale. Well the candle was done so I put the whole thing in the freezer (great tip to getting spent candle wax out of candles), used a knife to pry out the wax and here you have it ~~ cleaned up and potpourri filled, ribbon tied ~~ yes you are darlin'!!
Now this little pumpkin diddy I bought at the Dollar General Store yesterday. It is a great place to find lovely in season items on the cheap ~~ love it!!! This pumpkin was $3.50 ~~ yep you did read that right :0)
So here it is ~~ the "center"piece of attention . . .
What do you think?
Incidently those little sage green candles on either side of it I also got at Dollar General for .60 cents ~~ yes again you read that right. They had a clearance on summer candles ~~ 70% off!! Oh my stars ~~ So I got several which I'm sure you'll be seein' in future posts!!
Well, finally this post is complete. I've seriously had issues with blogger on this one. So glad it is complete ~~ now if it will just post ~~ here's hoping it will !!
Have a Blesseed and fun weekend. Dak has his first CC meet tomorrow ~~ we are soooooo excited ~~ and it looks like we'll get to see Sky this weekend as well!! Yep it's shaping up to be a good one!!
Blessings friends, Dawn
You are making me wish Fall was here so badly, but they are calling for it to be 92 degrees here tomorrow! Hardly Fall, huh?
ReplyDeleteRun well tomorrow, Dakota!
Dawn, you always make me think. You're so right--we need to pay attention--to really "see" things and not just rush by. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteLove your fall decor; I'm so excited to get some up myself! I tagged you for a post on my blog, so if you feel like playing along, I'd love it! Hope you're having an excellent weekend!