Carrie taught CYC this morning and she taught on hearing God's voice in our lives. It was such a good lesson and so timely for me. She went to I Kings 19. When I got home I read it out of The Message Bible and this is how it reads:
I Kings 19:12 "A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before GOD, but GOD wasn't to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but GOD wasn't in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but GOD wasn't in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper."
And it struck me afresh and anew this morning how God sent these other things, the wind, the earthquake and the fire, but He wasn't in those things, He was in the quiet. And that got me to thinking,
how often do I want Him to be in the busyness of my life so I don't ever have to slow down to hear Him. Ummmm hello.....that message will preach let me tell ya.
God really is getting hold of me on this. The last couple of weeks have been really busy and instead of staying up everyday after I get Dick off to work, a lot of days I've been going back to bed, well that is the time that generally I stay up and spend time with the Lord. Well God has really been talking to me about that, ya know giving Him the firstfruits, and this morning it just really hit me.
God is not going to take a back seat to my So if I want to be close to my Savior (which I do more than anything) I must take this time to spend with the Lord. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit's work in my life and for showing me how important my time with God is, listening to His still small voice, and obeying His Word, and knowing Him. It is the most important thing I do all day. If you don't have a time designated to the Lord everyday I really encourage you to start one. It will be the best and most important part of your day too.
So I wanted to show you Mr. Cuteness:
This pic was taken right after he woke up from his nap last weekend; look at those curls on his little, sweet, lovely, could-eat-him-up-with-a-spoon, head. Look at his tired little eyes. He is so sweet....okay moving on.....

To another pic of Sky =) This one with his g-pa, my man. I these two so much. Look at how he is looking at him. Could he be more proud of this little bit of loveliness in curls?!!

And yes Mr. Cuteness, Scoot himself, is coming to visit this weekend; tomorrow to be exact. And I can't wait!!! Bring him on....him and all his cute-ness and in to stuff-ness....and eating like a baby horse-ness. Love him!! Bring him on!!!
Dawn- This really spoke to me as I have had the BUSIEST week and haven't been as disciplined in my time with the Lord as I need/want to be.
ReplyDeleteThanks for always encouraging me and for your sweet comments on my blog! You always make me smile!
It seems like just yesterday that cutie pie grandson of yours was a NEWBORN! Boy, the time goes fast!!!
Enjoy your weekend!
I have had 2 close calls with my laptop and thought I had lost all my pics but Gods mercy allowed me to retrieve them. Even though it took 2 scares and now back up on an external hard drive and even go so far as to burn the pics on dvds. Just don't want to lose the precious memories.
ReplyDeleteSlowing down...thank you for that reminder. You're right we would like to have God in our business but what we really need to do is STOP and listen for Him. I've been lazy in the morinings and staying in bed too long. I think I will get up earlier and spend that time with God. Thanks again for the reminder.
Did I ramble too much????
Look how big Little Scoot is getting!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you Dawn. I am reading "He speaks to me" by Priscilla shirer. It may even be in my giveaway for my 100th post.
ReplyDeleteYOu better get on over and get your name in the pot!!
Thank you so much for the reminder about slowing down. I definitely needed to be reminded of that this week!
ReplyDeleteLittle Scott is getting so big and I am lovin' those curls!
Love the picture of Dick and Sky! So sweet!
Hope you have a great weekend, my friend,
Love that verse. We just got done with 1 Kings in Steve's "Living by the Book" devotions. That's good stuff!
ReplyDeleteHave a fun weekend with that cutie-pie!
God brought me to that exact same verse earlier this week! Now he is reminding me again. Time to listen for the whisper.
ReplyDeleteBlessings - Lisa
Thank you for the much needed reminder to slow down and listen to God's still small voice! Great post. Thoughtful and wise words. Great scripture for our busy lives.
ReplyDeleteOh, that little scoot is so stinkin adorable! Hope y'all have had a wonderfully blessed weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh Dawn I'm all over this message! I love your heart sister!
ReplyDeleteMr Cuteness is certainly that, cute!
Love the new blog look and your photos are so cute in the header! Love the muscle one :)
I pray you are feeling good in Jesus Name.