My reason for slacking? Well, I hadn't quite decided on which verse it would be this time. The Lord always leads me in this, and generally it pertains to something I'm going through, or will go through, or something I've been through in the past, or in this instance, on an going something....(did any of that make sense?)
I'm always keeping my Spiritual ears tuned to hear a verse in a sermon or in my studies or even on a site, you just never know what avenue God will use, so in my humble opinion, you just must be listening.
This time this verse came through the study I am currently doing, "Jesus the One and Only" by BMoore (love her ~~ does she rock your study world or what?!!) Well there is a section in there that she talks about boasting, and when boasting is okay. Well, turns out, it is only okay to boast in the Lord (okay so I have known this, but when it hits you right over the proverbial head, you realize that maybe that's not the only time your boasting ~~ ouch and double OUCH!!!)
So let me start by quoting my verse from last time:
Romans 12:1-2 "Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, His good pleasing and perfect will."
And my verse for this time:
Galatians 6:14 (KJV) "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."
Don't you just love the language of the KJV? I generally read and study out of the NIV, and our pastor uses the ESV, but sometimes I just love me some King James Version.
I did a little research on this verse, because if this is the verse God has me to learn in this season, then I want to know exactly what He's trying to teach me. So research was in order.
So as you can guess, glory in the above verse is translated boast. But then the very interesting word in this verse for me is crucified. In the Greek it means: figurative to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness :- crucify. —Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary
I just love it when God brings out Scripture like this to me. I had never really noticed before that the world and all it's passions and selfishness is crucified unto me and I unto the world. That is good news. I know that I am to resist the world and all it's passions, but this put it all in a fresh light. Don't you just love it when God does that for you?
So how could I ever boast of anything else, given the great gift I have received through salvation in Christ? What a wretch I am!!! Thank you Jesus that You have saved my soul and redeemed me from the pit. I am crucified with You my Jesus, and I no longer live, but it is You living in me. Help me to live my every moment in this Truth...always. I love you Lord...Amen
So I wanted to share a few pictures from our weekend with you.
Yes Mr. Cuteness himself was here, and he never disappoints!!!
Here he is just hanging out~~
See, just give him a plastic glass and an old remote control is ideal as well, and put old remote control in said glass.....get out.......... he was tickled!!!
Well I will leave you with this. This is our rose bush right out our front door. Yes she is showing off. I think she looks so beautiful with my birdbath that Dak got me a couple of years ago. Gorgeous!!!
Love you,
Wow that verse and what you shared just hit me right between the eyes. Nothing like a little sharpening at mid-day on a Monday. Thank you friend for sharing what the Lord is showing you. :)
ReplyDeleteI neede that verse today. Thank you for sharing it with us. I too am a slacker and didn't get mine posted. We were in Baton ROuge this weekend for my daughters graduation from LSU!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day.