This is a reflective time for me. Every day is an adventure of sorts. I get up ready to go, remembering that it is another day to serve my Jesus. I'm more aware, more alive.
So what has brought this on you ask? Well, I mentioned that I've been changing the way I do things in my everyday life. I'm making lists and trying to stay with them, but I've found that I'm also giving myself the okay to change it if I need to. That is a HUGE thing for me. I tend to be very focused on what I've set as a goal for that day and feel that I've failed at the end of the day if not EVERY SINGLE, SOLITARY THING ON THAT LIST has not been accomplished!! Flexibility in my daily life is a beautiful thing, as long as it falls under the umbrella of Christ's authority in my life....a beautiful thing!!!
I've been working very hard every day and starting to see many improvements around our home. I feel a great sense of accomplishment as I complete an area and move on to the next. Our house was getting pretty cluttered and hubby and I, neither one, do clutter well. It just clutters our brains as well....know what I mean?
I am learning that making a commitment to something that even seems like a small thing, like house work, makes a big difference in my life.
There is another commitment that I've made. In addition to my daily morning quiet times, at 2:00 pm in the afternoon, I am sitting down in my kitchen with my laptop, and studying. God has asked me to study something specific to my current season in life, no study guide, no book, just Him and I and His Word, so I can better understand my know, as wife and mom and God's girl. It is a sweet time of communion with my Lord. I love it!!! But it has not been easy to set that time aside, but God is Blessing our time together. It is just wonderful!!
I have been a born-again Christian for a long time. I believe as a Christian I need to keep growing, keep working-it-out. I love what Philippians 2:12-13 says: "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but how much more in my absence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." I love that!!
Please work Father according to Your good purpose in my life. You are my all-in-all. Amen
So let me encourage you to make some deeper commitments in your life to Christ. Take a few extra minutes each day to spend in His Presence. Ask Him what He'd like for you to study at this season in your life. It is a beautiful thing!!!
I love ya so ~~ Have a Blessed and Great day in Him,

Hi precious! Beautiful message riddled with great TRUTHS of how we must prioritize with GOD first and check out our committments. I'm glad you have said YES GOD to 2pm each day to be with Him in His word.
ReplyDeleteI pray for those precious times to be ones of great revelation for your life in Christ.
I love you and I'm sure you are the most precious wife and mommy and I know you make GOD SMILE!
ReplyDeleteThank you for that challenge. I've been catching up on reading/commenting on blogs today and this subject keeps jumping out at me. I need to follow through on my desire, not just wish it or think about it. Thank you!!!
p.s. I like the blog look!
You and I are focusing on very similar things in our life right now. It does feel good to prioritize, doesn't it??