Update: Please remember the Freeman's. I just found out that little Kayleigh went to be with Jesus last night. Please remember her family. I have a button on the side if you'd like to read more about their journey.
I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again,
I say "Amen",
and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
This song has much significance in my life. It is one of our favorites. Because no matter what has happened to us in this life, God is worthy of our praise!!!
So guess what happened six months ago yesterday?
Yes that is correct ~~ PFA ~~ Patella Femoral Arthroplasty on the ol knee.
Now this picture was taken 2 months after surgery. Looks pretty good huh?
You should see her now ~~ you go girl~~
As I was thinking about this milestone, because trust me it is definitely a milestone ~~ I was thinking about what was actually happening today, six months ago. The day of surgery went okay. We had a few glitches, but all-in-all everything went well.
The day after things started going wrong. I started reacting to the pain catheter in my leg and so they had to turn it off. Ummmm seriously? Yes, seriously. I knew this was not going to be good, but I really had no idea how bad it was going to be.
It was leading to one of the worst pain seasons of my life to this date (hopefully ever)!!
Over the next several hours the pain would become excruciating....unbearable really.....and it left me like this.
Actually I am sleeping rather peacefully here. This was after God and I had a serious talk and the pain meds had finally kicked in.

And here I am before the pain meds kicked in. Yes it actually hurts worse than this picture depicts. It.was.bad.

I show you these, not because I am a glutton for punishment and want the www to see me at one of my worst times, but because I want to shout from the web tops that MY GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
To bring me from where I was in this picture to where I am today is a miracle. In this picture I could barely even imagine a day like today. Thankfully my husband imagined it for me and reminded me daily that it would get better. And it has.
When I was laying in my hospital bed and my hubbi had had to leave, is when the pain really set in. I remember I couldn't move it in any direction with the searing pain. It got so bad that I wondered if this was it. Was I going to make it through this?
I started thinking about my husband and son, and I started to pray.hard. And I just told God that if He didn't sustain me, I didn't know if I'd make it through this. I needed His help. And as I lay there crying out to God, a peace washed over me and the next thing I know I'd slept a little bit. The pain was still soooooo intense, but somewhere in the midst of that raging storm there was peace and rest.
This time in my life got me to thinking about Luke 8:22-25, when Jesus calmed the storm on the water. When I think about Jesus sleeping in the boat and the disciples about to have a fit because the storm was about to consume them and them waking Jesus up and Him calming the storm, I think about His Words after the storm was calmed, "Where is your faith?" WOW!! Indeed.
That is what I had to start drawing from. My faith. My faith in the risen Savior who is mighty to save. The One who saved my soul from certain death and set my feet on the Solid Rock. I had to draw from the faith He had been building in my heart for years. The faith that says run the race, keep the faith, see it through to the end, run strong. I started to do that. It was still REALLY hard. The trip home was really awful. But the important thing was that we made it, and God saw us through it and not only that, but He was with us EVERY step of the way. And I mean EVERY LITTLE BABY STEP ~~ He was there!!!
So I don't know what you are facing today. It may be surgery or illness. It may be a sick loved one or a financial hardship. Or it may be sin sickness. God loves you my dear child. And He longs for you to know Him in ways right now that don't even seem possible.
What you see in that last picture above is hope. When I didn't have much of it, God made sure someone in my life had it and exuded it. My husband is an amazing man. He cried with me and laid with me, and most of all he has loved me through every hard and wonderful moment of this blessing and journey.
Today I am doing well. I still have pain every day, but it is so manageable. I get frustrated still, but it is really okay. I am still using my turnbuckle brace and have stepped up (literally =) my workouts.
If there is anything I want you to take away from this post it is that God is good!!!
One of my favorite verses is Psalm 27:13-14: "I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD."
I love these verses ~~ child God is good. Praise Him today!!!
Father, Thank you for bringing me through that time six months ago, to the time I'm at today. You continually amaze me Jesus!!! Thank you for loving me beyond measure, and teach me more about You every single day. Praise You, Amen.
Have a Blessed Tuesday,

Yes He is GOOD! I join you in praising Him for His faithful presence every step of your journey!
ReplyDeleteWhen you reflect on times like these, don't you just feel so loved by our God?
Blessings - Lisa
I cant believe that much time has gone by since your surgery!! That's amazing!
ReplyDeleteAnd I bet you do look back at that time & can remember that pain & are amazed at how you pulled through with God getting you through that horrible time!
I bet when something happens now too, you can always say "Well, its not as bad that when I had this surgery..."... its those moments that make us strong enough to face everything else!
My friend Steph that passed away of cancer - "Praise you in this storm" was her favorite song! I dont hear it that I dont think of her!
And I was so sad to hear the news of that baby.... oh, that she's whole & healthy with Jesus right now though!
He is good! I had those verses from Psalms on my heart yesterday...I'm clinging to them!
ReplyDeleteGod is so good even when we don't deserve it. He will walk with us through all valleys of life.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing such an inspirational post and time in your life.
Glad the knee is doing better. Do you dare get on that tramploine yet?
ReplyDeleteI am lifting you up in prayer today and asking God to continue to work on relieving any pain you continue to have and give you some more relief.
It's funny but now whenever I feel pain, I am taken instantly back to the day when Jesus died and all the pain He went through that day and honestly realize that nothing I deal with is compared to that.
It makes it easier for me to tolerate.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
GOD'S LOVE IS SO AMAZING! He has an incredible ability to KEEP us even in the midst of difficult times and painful (emotional or physical) situations.
I love ya and I'm praying for you.
Thank you for sharing this post! Just yesterday I was at the end of myself. I cried (yes...real tears!) out to the Lord in my car as I was going to pick up my oldest from school. I remembered dear Peter's words as he was walking on the water and then started to look at the wind, "Lord, save me!". I am in amazement at how for the rest of evening yesterday I felt such peace. His peace. He really IS the answer, isn't He? With you my friend I praise Him from the bottom of my heart. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great testimony, Dawn!! That song is the one song that kept coming to me when Harper was born and in the NICU.
ReplyDeleteSo glad your knee is doing good!
God is so good.
ReplyDeletePraising with you sweet Dawn!