Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Update on Dak.....

Well he is feeling some better today. The highest fever he's run so far is 99.8, but that is not unusual for the daytime, so we will see as the day progresses, but overall he seems to be feeling better.

The doc called earlier to check on him. She said that if he does run a fever over 101.5 today that more tests will probably need to be run tomorrow, as today will be 5 straight days of high fever (if he runs a high fever today). The rash has spread to his legs, but is dissipating on the rest of his body somewhat. He is just laying around taking medicine and taking it easy.

Oh how I love this child. It has been really hard to see him so sick and to not know what was going on. But I'm telling you that God is and has been AMAZING through all of this!!! Yesterday should have been absolutely nuts at the hospital, but it just wasn't and then to have the doc drive in from her home on the 4th of July to check him again was such a blessing and then to have her call already today, is truly another blessing in all of this.

Thank you all for all of your prayers and may I just ask that you keep Dak in your prayers a little while longer. Apparently we are not quite out of the woods yet, today with his fever will be crucial to whether more tests will have to be run. We are praying for no more fever and for returned strength and energy.

Have a Blessed Sunday,


  1. Praising God for the healing we've seen. Praying for Dak's continued & complete healing. Thank you for keeping us updated.

    Please remember my son Jonathan in prayer this week. He is going to camp with his new youth group. I so want to see God do something huge in his life.

    Blessings ~ Lisa

  2. Just checking in for a Dak update...I will keep praying! Thankful for all the blessings in the midst of his sickness!

  3. Continuing to pray for a speedy recovery.

  4. Glad for an update... still praying!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that Dak has been sick. My nephew had something very similar sounding to this week before last...turned out to be pneumonia.

    His doctor sounds like an angel!!

    I will keep you all in my prayers. Take care and I look forward to hearing continued good news!

  6. Dawn,

    I am so far behind on my blog reading and I am so sorry that I just learned of Dak's illness. I have never heard of this sickness that they suspect that he has. I am so relieved to learn that he is feeling better and I pray that he is on the road to full recovery now.

    Praying for his fever to go away and for him to regain his energy and strength.

    Praying also for you, my sweet friend, for I know what it's like as a mother when one of your "babies" are sick.

  7. Still praying for your precious Dak! And for you too Dawn. May the Lord give you increased strength and peace as you continue to minister to your sweet boy.

  8. So glad he is feeling better!
