Tuesday, July 21, 2009

To Do or not to Do....

Yep, I did it....
A new do for this chick!!!
How do you like it?!!
Yep I know.... your digging the gray highlights...
Thank you Dak, they are especially lovely in the sunlight...
And yes your name is on quite a few of them .....
Yes I know....I'm welcome =)

When we got home from the doc's and errands today (haircut and other funness...)
I went to the garden and picked these....
Are they not scrumptious looking?!!
And the taste?! Get-out-of-town delish!!!
I know, another quick post.
I am a busy girl this summer it would seem.
Tomorrow the kids close on their house.
Yes I know, it was suppose to be on Friday...
Yeah, you know how banks are....delayed and then delayed again....
But it is suppose to happen tomorrow at 1:00 pm.
They are so happy!!!
And today is Tonya's birthday (Sky's mama) ~~
Happy Birthday T ~~ You, my dear, are FAB!!!
And just in case you would like to see me in my natural habitat when Dak is behind the lens....
Here ya go!!
Your welcome =)
Have a Blessed evening,


  1. I LOVE IT!! it's sooooo cute!! light and airy for the summer!! very cute!
    yummy at the veggies!!! i wish i had a garden!!
    have a great day!

  2. VERY CUTE new do!!!! You are one of those people who look good with blond or darker hair!!!

    YUMMY for home grown veggies... last night for dinner - we had nothing but veggies people have given us from their gardens... I thought, Isnt God amazing - all this food grown for the earth he created... SOOO AMAZING!

  3. I love it...so cute and cool for the summer!
