Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend with Sir Cuteness!!!

Okay, so this little guy is a busy one ~~ oh my stars ~~
Look at that face!!!
Okay so this is a new found love of Sir Cuteness ~~ diapers.
No not the one he is wearing, he'd just asoon have that one off,
nope it is the ones in the package, well loosely speaking ~~
they never stay in the package long if he has a chance
to get his adorable little fingers on them!!

I know you can't see his little face, but he is so intent when he's playing with his diapers.
He got one so discombobulated this weekend that when I went to put it on him, all the fibers on the inside were bunched up in front ~~ yep that one he just got to play with =)
Yay for Sky!!!
We had so much fun with g-babe this weekend!! We took him to the nature center,
and yes, I forgot the camera. What is wrong with me? Yeah, don't answer that =)
He was a little scared at first, but it is a jungle out there.
But safely in G-pa and nan-nan's arms, he endured and ended up liking the outing.
It was a BLAST!!!
He is now eating mostly regular food. In fact, when you feed him baby food he looks at you like you just grew a third eye ~~ what were we thinking trying to use up what is left of our baby food =0)
And we also found out he digs homemade rolls ~~ yum ~~ yep this child is a bread eater!!!
Well, I just wanted to post quickly tonight. Tomorrow will be a very busy day for us.
I have a docs appt for my foot tomorrow (more on that later) and then maybe a little school shopping and contact picking up and grocery shopping and .... whew I'm tired just thinking about it!!
Have a Blessed day,
PS I know I haven't visited many blogs lately ~~ don't give up on me, I've had a lot on my plate lately. But I will get back to reading, hopefully this week. I love ya!!!


  1. Been missing you friend!!!

    He is getting so big!!! Maybe because baby food is thing of the past... bring on the steak & potatoes for this little man! :)

    Can never get enough of his adorable face

  2. How funny! He is just precious! :)

  3. Miss your sweet comments! I am right there with on that g-babe love honey! I love mine so much it hurts!!

  4. So adorable!!!

    I pray all goes well with your dr appt.

    Love and miss you.

  5. Love all the pictures you have posted about your beautiful grand baby! Love all those adorable curls!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. He is so precious. I love the name Sir Cuteness!! haha I know you could just about eat him up! I can't wait to have grandbabies!! :)

  7. Sir Cuteness is just too adorable!
