The Greek word for thief means "stealer" and the Greek word for steal means "rush (breathe hard, blow, smoke) (slaughter for any purpose)". Isn't that interesting ~~ the thief (the devil) comes to rush us to breathe hard and he blows smoke and slaughters for any purpose, it doesn't matter to him what it takes to slaughter us. How often is it a small thing that he uses?!! Ohh that makes me mad!!!!!!!!!
I have heard and have even repeated to myself lately that "hurry is the enemy of the soul". And how true that is..... the thief comes to "rush, to slaughter us for any purpose". If you are tempted to rush today, slow down. Pause. Breathe. Be still. Listen. God will speak to you child, He will. He loves you so. Let this be a word for YOU today. Close yourself in with Him in this moment. He loves you so.
Jesus came to give us life. The phrase for "that they may have" in the Greek means "to hold, possession, relation, or condition" and the word for full or whole (KJV) in the Greek means, "in the sense of beyond; superabundant, by implication excessive; exceeding abundantly above, beyond measure." Jesus came to give us life that is beyond us; superabundant life, a life beyond measure!!!!! Satan may try to steal and kill, BUT JESUS GIVES SUPERABUNDANT, BEYOND WHAT WE CAN IMAGINE, LIFE IN HIM!!! That is good!! So good!!!!!
This song is on my heart this morning.
~~ Oh, The Glory of it All ~~
Take some time to sit in the Presence of Jesus today and just let Him cover you with His love.
Love and Blessings to you this day,

I love that song, Dawn! Thank you for your sweet comment! Love you!
ReplyDeleteWhat an inspirational post this morning. Love it! I plan on spending time with God all afternoon just sitting at His feet.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Nothing as fabulous as sitting as His Feet and letting Him minister to our hearts.
ReplyDeletePause. Breathe. Be still. Listen. This was the lesson for my junior high school girls last night - we talked about a quiet time with God. A time of reflection in the busy, crazy lives we lead. Thank you for sharing...