So this week, starting with Friday, has been a crazy one full of highs ~~ big highs ~~ and lows ~~ serious lows.
Dak had a race at College Heights on Friday and this is first place!!! He lead the whole race down to the last 1/2 mile, and College Heights took over from there, like 5 College Heights boys took over from there. It was crazy!!! But that is just how good they are!! You gotta give props where it's due. They are the best in the state. They have the best runner in the state in ALL divisions. Impressive!! But Dak did so good!!! He took 7th place. They medal 10 at this race, and of the 10 medals College Heights took 6 ~~ yep crazy, I know!!!
So here he is running is beautiful heart out!! Notice he's running with long-sleeved shirt, hat & gloves. It was so cold that day!!!
So that was our big high wonderful Friday, and then Saturday hit with the flu. Yep that was a low. Well he was doing so well on Monday, I thought we had it beat and then he woke up yesterday with a fever again. What?!! And then he started feeling really bad quick. So I called the doc and they got us in yesterday afternoon. By the time we got there, he was so sick he could barely keep his head up.
As the doc was listening to him, he said I don't feel well, I don't feel well and kept slumping over, so doc told him to lay down. So we laid him back and she started listening to him and she said, "He is REALLY tight." She wanted to know if I told them about his reactive airway at Urgent Care on Saturday. And I said HELLO OF COURSE I did. She was very upset that they did not start him on Tama Flu right away given his history of this problem, and she said now it was too late to start him on it. (And I was so not happy to hear this, because the doc at UC on Saturday told us that people with RA disease, start having problems on the third day ~~ hello Tuesday, third day ~~ and that if he started to have a problem then, they would give him Tama Flu.) So now it's too late to give it to him, so we started him on nebulizer treatments along with a steroid neb treatment and went to get an x-ray. Good news is NO pneumonia!!! Needless to say, it was a CRAZY day yesterday. CRAZY!!!
I just want to interject here, if you have this flu, especially if you have asthma or reactive away disease, please PLease PLEASE be careful. It will seem like all is going well and then it takes a serious turn. And mama's you know your children, if things are not looking right, call the doc. I knew by looking at Dak about lunch yesterday that things were not going well. So I called, and I'm so glad I did.
So last night as I was trying to wind down from a very long day, my heart, (and my fingers) turned to Ephesians. I needed a reprieve from my day....a moment to get alone and be still....and read. Ephesians seemed like where I needed to go.
Ephesians 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children (2) and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
This was EXACTLY what I needed after an exhausting day. I needed to know how to act. I could have really been upset and angry that he wasn't given the Tama Flu to start, I could have been worried, because when the doc called back last night with the x-ray results, she said there is still a chance that Pneumonia could form, and if it does it will most likely be next week when we think all is going well. She said he'll be feeling good, no fever no signs and then just start getting a serious cough and very sick quickly. NOT what I wanted to hear, so I could have given into fear and worry. But God had another, BETTER idea. He lead me to Scripture that told me exactly how I needed to act. I need to be an imitator of God as His dearly loved child and live a life of love, just like my beautiful Savior did for me, as He gave Himself up as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God, and that my friends is how we are to live as well.
And as I'm typing this I am reminded of II Corinthians 2:15 "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." We are the aroma of Christ, have you ever thought about that? We are His representatives on this earth for such a time as this. I am reminded how important it is to listen and to keep Scripture hid in your heart. It would have been so easy to be REALLY upset last night, but I am sooo glad that Father led me to these Scriptures. He is good and He loves all the time!!!
So this morning Dak is better, yes still home from school, but he is better. Taking his treatments and watching movies that Alyssa dropped off for him. She's such a sweetie. So today he will be taking it easy and chilling =)
I just heard from Sweet Hubby and he is now not feeling well. Oh I feel so bad for him. We've tried to keep Dak quarantined best we can, but this flu is nasty stuff. Hopefully it is just a little bug and not this flu. He's not on his way home yet, but he's keeping a close eye on himself, if he starts running a fever, he'll be on his way home.
Well, I'm off to get my day going in full speed ahead.
Love you all ~~ have a Blessed day ~~ and don't forget Thanksgiving Thursday is tomorrow!!!
I've got Stellan on my heart, too.
ReplyDeleteI love that you always turn to HIM for strength and comfort - you're a great example.
I'm so sorry that Dak took a turn for the worse. Praying for him to feel better soon!!!
ReplyDeleteWell you certainly have had your hands full. Sounds like you got a brief medical education while you were at it. Great insight to pass along to the rest of us.
Off to visit Baby Stellan! Here is hoping that Dak and hubby get better soon and you stay healthy!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
So glad you listened to those God-given instincts and took him back in. Praying that he feels better and escapes it soon! Stay well :)
Will Dak be able to run this weekend?
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for him, for your husband's health, and for yours to hold out til everyone else is well and then beyond.
Goodness...that is scary! I am sorry he was hit so hard by the flu. I hope your husband is feeling better!!
ReplyDeleteAnd poor little Stellan. He has just had the hardest time. I am praying for him!!