Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More Updates...

Well, Skylar has Pneumonia. They did send him home, but he is on a lot of medicine. We would so continue your prayers for him.

I am now not feeling well at all, so we have canceled Thanksgiving dinner here at our house. I am sad. We'll still be putting the turkey in the oven and cooking it, because it is thawed and ready to be cooked, so we'll do that and I have all the trimmings, so Dak and hubs may have to tag team it this year =)

Okay short post I know. I had so much more planned for this week as far as posting.

The verse that is going through my heart this morning is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God is so good and His love endures forever, and for this I am thankful.

I love you all so ~~ have a Blessed Thanksgiving Eve,


  1. OH NO!!!! You're sick now too? I know how much you love Thanksgiving so I know you have to be sad about it being delayed or not what you originally planned....

    But rest up & heal - you can have a "thanksgiving" meal anytime! Just focus on you & g-baby & everyone getting healthy & staying healthy!

    (Funny... my word verification word is "RESTO"... a sign for you? REST O!!!

  2. Prayers will continue for you and yours.

  3. Oh, I hate to hear that but I'm so glad you have a diagnosis and maybe the new medicines will take care of this once and for all. I've been praying for him all day as he comes to mind, now I'll have to add you too! So glad to chat with you last night on facebook...Have a blessed Thanksgiving, in spite of the circumstances. Thankful for you!

  4. I will say a prayer for you and for little Skylar!

  5. I'm sorry, Dawn!! I hope you and Sky are feeling better soon!!
