Monday, May 16, 2011

The Rest of the Story and SSMT #10

I told y'all about Dak's Baccalaureate and how the speaker gave an altar call. It was hands down THE BEST Baccalaureate messages I have ever heard. She was so focused and knew exactly what God wanted to say and she delivered it beautifully.

She gave the altar call in such a way that she asked you to pray the Salvation prayer after her if you needed to and then tell someone after the service.

So after the service we set at the beautifully decorated tables and ate and fellowshipped and then Dak was ready to go, but I knew I needed to meet the speaker. So I found her and headed her direction.

She was so nice and really sweet, but a focused lady on her Jesus. It.was.beautiful. SHE.was.beautiful. I told her how Dak and I read Psalm 139 on the first day of school and how this just put a beautiful bookmark to his High School career. God is so good!!!

Then as I was standing there a young man came up and spoke to the speaker. He was in the 6th grade and had given his heart to Christ during the altar call. AWESOME!!!

I was so excited for him and gave him a hug and told him that he'd just made the best decision he would ever make. He looked at me and saw a kindred spirit....a fellow Christian. It was a beautiful moment.

Since that moment to this, God has been reminding me of that moment. The look that sweet Blair gave me. The moment that meant something to him from someone he didn't know, and yet he knew. In Christ he knew me and I knew him and we will be in heaven together, me and this young one. Beautiful moment and one that I will remember.

God keeps reminding me that I am Light. You are Light. If you are in Christ, You Are Light!!

So for my memory verse this time God led me to:

Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."

He has been reminding me who I am in Him, but also that others are watching and that it is important how I act and what I do. Others can see Christ in us, we must remember that. We truly are the light of the world if Christ is in us and He is the hope of glory and we can give that hope to others. I'm so thankful for that reminder.

Love y'all so much ~~


  1. What a sweet story... and a great reminder from the Word!

  2. Love this story... love that this woman felt the pull to have a call for surrender to Jesus... & that someone FOLLOWED!!! :) YESSS!!!! I love that this 6th grader came & found her to even tell her... how imtimidating for a young person. Praise the Lord! One more to enter those Heavenly Gates! :)
