Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Goodness of Thanksgiving Week 2

Welcome to week 2 of Thanksgiving Goodness.
This is a 6-week series on the Goodness of Thanksgiving.
Complete with all the beauty that lies within.
I heart Thanksgiving!!

So last week we talked about wreaths and beautiful ways
to say Welcome.
Well, so I made a wreath inspired by one of the Pinterest
photos I posted.

Here she is.
This was so much fun and it cost me about $3.50.
I already had the wreath that needed a redo,
so I took off all the items that had previously found
its home on here, and started adding my new goodies
from Michaels.  That is where the $3.50 comes in.
Michaels has all their Ashland Fall Stems on sale for 70%
off.  That's right!!!  Get 'em while you can!!  
I was SO excited!!

Then I had the Chipboard "W" and the paper and
lovelies of course.  I distressed and "antinqued" and 
masked and misted and painted and roughed.
She hangs on my studio door.

This week I thought we'd focus on some fun things you can
make with the kiddo's and on tablescapes again,
and I will make one of these things for next week,
and will showcase it and tell you how easy
or terrifying it was to make!! =)

First off, this lovely.
I mean seiously..... this is gorgeous!!

This is one of my fav's and so easy for Sir Cuteness to do.
He's all about paint and qtips and trees.....

And this cornucopia.....
Oh goodness..... 
how stinkin' cute is this?

And these hats.....

And this little mix of bugles and goodies.
So easy and thoughtful.

Ok, so I LOVE this tablescape,
but seriously.....
does your table ever stay looking like this?
Do you do name plates?
My family would laugh at me if I did this.
They would think me silly =)
Which I am, so ya know.....
I may have to look silly =)

The chalkboard name plates are just lovely.....
and so easy.....
you can take black gesso (at Michael's) and paint
a piece of chipboard or cardstock or wood and let it dry.
Then take a piece of chalk and go across it with the side
part of the chalk where it leaves a nice little white film.
Wipe it off and you now have a chalk board to write on.
I've done this on pages and it is so very fun and easy.
I should do a little turtorial.  It is SO fantastic!!
Would y'all do this tablescape?
Do you do name plates?
Does your family think you silly?  =)

OOOO I LOVE this one too!!  I especially LOVE the green 
leaves with the fall goodness and that grape vine candle

So currently I at sitting at a local authentic Australian
Coffee House.  Yes right here is good 'ol SW MO.
I just had a lamington.  It is homemade white cake
rolled in chocolate sauce and then rolled in Australian
coconut.  I cannot even tell you the sheer delishishness
of this.  I want a whole cake of this!!  And I don't even
really like cake.
Yes I'm weird like that.

Well I hope y'all have a Blessed and Beautiful day,
and remember to have a Grateful Heart and live
out your beautiful Faith in Jesus.  He's worth it!!

Psalm 118:1  "Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; 
                        for His steadfast love endures forever!"

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