Thursday, January 30, 2014

When They Grow Up.....

If y'all have been around my blog for long
then you know of my deep love for 
my boy Dak.

When I first started this blog
he was a freshman in high school.
Things have changed so very much 
in almost six years.  

We have had many happy moments,
and many sad.
We have survived a rebellion of epic 
and many ups and downs.
Today we just really like hanging out together.
This boy has grown up.
He is still a wanderer in many ways,
but I trust the LORD, 
my Covenant keeping God.
He knows.
He does.

Just as a way of encouragement mama's,
especially of teenagers or even tweens.....
your children really do love you.
They need you.
You may think they hate you.
They don't.
They may spend a season in the wilderness,
love them.
Pray for them.
Enjoy them while they are home.
When they leave your house,

Then when they have lived some life,
with its ups and downs,
and ins and outs,
they will appreciate you.
The look in their eyes will tell you 
they do.
The little, hey mom wanna have lunch.
Means the world!
Dak will always be my little boy,
but he is grown.
I respect him.
I love him.
He is my sweet, sweet son.

Here we are back in the day.

And here we were are on Tuesday.
The above picture was of obligation.
The bottom is because he loves me =)
He is the sweetest.

Silly then.....

Silly now =)

And he plays so beautifully.
I put just a tiny snippet on Instagram 
a couple nights ago.
He really started playing in earnest 
after he moved from home.
Funny how that happens.
I taught him a little while he was here.
He has taught me oceans since he has moved out.

When I think of the tenderness of his heart,
and the gentleness of his music,
I could just cry.
In fact, I did on the way home.
Had me a good cry, 
but with such a heart
of thankfulness to the Father
for letting me be his mom.
I just love him.

MaMa's they grow up.  
Really fast!!

Savor every moment.

Have a Blessed and Beautiful Day ~~ 


  1. Sniff, sniff. That was sweet!! Love you, friend!!

  2. Oh how sweet this is!! Timely as well! Our oldest turned 29 yesterday.... what a blessing to see how much she has grown since she left for college, and now a wife and mother! Love love when she & her family spend Sunday afternoons with us.
    Our almost 21 year old, still in college may be at home for a long time. Love that she loves home. THEN... our almost 17 year old.....he is full of life and is busy..... school, band, baseball and a girl.... he is growing up way to fast RIGHT before our very eyes!! This time next year, he will be in his last semester of HS. :( (sniff sniff) So when our sweet 9 year old wants to cuddle with Mom when he doesn't feel very well. I cuddle. Because I know, in a blink of an eye....He will be grown as well. Us Momma's have to stick together and love them....even when they don't act like they need us....cause they are still our babies and they really do need us!

  3. I still remember him as that high school youngster...
    I know how your heart just loves that boy... & prays for him & his future... as any momma should do <3
