Thursday, April 24, 2008

AHH. . .Finally!!

Well, we finally have plants in the ground. . .I am sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night Dick
and I got our lines planned out and I was off and running!!
My neighbor (a.k.a. gardener extraordinaire) came over and checked my dirt. It was a nervous moment, had I prepared enough for this moment...was the dirt ready...and the verdict? "This soil is perfect . . . you are ready to plant!!" WOOHOO break out the gardening gloves and hat!!!
So here I go hands in dirt. . .
And again more hands in dirt. . .

Thinking and adjusting of positions going on here. . .

Ohh I took the plunge into the garden. . .this was a GREAT moment!! :)

So what did I actually plant last night? So glad you asked :)

The List:

Mesclun and Red Leaf Lettuce



& Green Onions

Now, if the rain lets up this afternoon and the sun comes out and dries it up a little, I may even do a little more planting after PT.

Everyone have a Awesome day in the Lord,

And get those hands (and feet) in the dirt :0)


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