Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SYATP . . . and Specifics

Today was See You at the Pole day and WOW!!!! GOD IS AWESOME!! At last count we had 57 (mostly) students and teachers!! It was sooooooooooo great!! There is just something about students praying and seeking God that causes my heart to pause and cry out in Thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Superintendent was there this year and share some verses out of Jude and prayed as well ~~ Oh Yeah JESUS ROCKS ~~ OH YES HE DOES!!

Well there are lots of things to be specific about these days . . . . so I'd like to share a few of the specifics of our lives right now.

First off ~~ CONGRATULATIONS DAKOTA!!! ~~ He made All Districts Honors Choir for the second year in a row !! ~~ WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU SON!!! ~~ He was the only one from our school to make it and we just are so excited for him!! He was so PUMPED yesterday about it!!

#1. Our trip to Mayo - Can you believe we leave a week from today?!!!! I am really excited ~~ yes excited to go to the doctor ~~ I know very weird ~~ but we are so ready to get something done with these knees of mine, or at least hear what the doc has to say about the poor babies.

Okay so let me be specific: we leave Oct 1 (next Wednesday) - probably early, me man's idea is to arrive approx 6:00 pm (I wish him all the best with that ~~ because after all he is traveling with me ~~ the stopping queen with these knees and it is an appox 10 hour drive :0) He says we're not stopping (hahahaha heeheeheeheehee that man cracks me up !! :0) Okay getting back to the specifics: we have our motel booked and we were able to get a room at a motel on campus and hooked to the pedestrian subway, and they even said they'd have a wheel chair waiting on me if I needed it. How sweet ~~ ughhh yes I get quite frustrated with myself. I drive myself crazy most days!!!! But none the less, I'm so very thankful that God has provided us with a room on campus, free parking, pedestrian subway, a wheel chair (if needed) and a Caribou Coffee House just next door ~~ STOP IT!! Yep I know, not even kiddin' :0) Okay on to specific:

#2). Our first (don't you love it how I drag my man right on into every thing I do ~~ I so dig that about him ~~ his willingness to be dragged right along with me :0) test is scheduled on Thursday, October 2nd at 3:15 it is an MRI. On to specific:

#3). We have (again with the we/our :0) two x-rays on Friday morning, October 3rd starting at 7:45 am, one is a knee x-ray, and the other is a lower extremity x-ray. And then "we" see the doc at 9:00 am. (I called a couple of weeks ago and asked if there was any chance we would be staying for any procedures, surgery etc and the lady told "us" that any procedures they would schedule at a later time.) And then we plan on traveling back home on Saturday, October 4th.

So there are the specifics for our trip ~~ in true Petrii style. (Petrii is my nickname ~~ another story for another day people ~~ but one I so want to tell !!!)

Now onto a few more specifics. So I've told you that I'm doing a Bible Study with my neighbor K on Tuesdays, and let me just say I love K and her insight and her joy. It is so much fun studying with someone who is hungry for the Word of God !! I LOVE IT!! and I love you K.

This past week our study focused on the effects of stress on our lives and our walk, yeah there's ya some fat to chew on, and on day 4 the title was "Clean before God" with a paragraph titled: "Difficulty Accepting God's Forgiveness" this whole section was so very good.

"If you are a child of God you are righteous. You have invited Jesus into your heart and because of that, you are in right standing with God. Your position in Him has nothing to do with effort. It's all about the price Jesus paid for your sin. You are righteous not because of who you are but because of who He is!" Amen and Amen!!!

PTL that it is not because of who I am, because let's just face it, that would be a disaster!! Read that last sentence again and let that soak in a minute ~~~~ not because of me, but because of Him ~~ it's all Him!! He loves, He draws, He calls, He is the I AM!! No one is righteous on their own ~~ NO NOT ONE!! ~~ the Word tells us. Even on our best day in our best dress, yes with our best hair WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH IN OURSELVES!!!!! BUT GOD ~~ don't you love that about Him, He sent Christ for us, for me, Oh the grace!! When He hung on the cross He saw the broken girl I would be, He saw the pain, the sin, the defeat and He died for me. I believe if I'd have been the only sinner He would have died. If you had been the only sinner He would have died. He loves us that much. He gave it all, so we wouldn't have to. Sin has to be dealt with dear one. Either we lay our lives at the cross and receive forgiveness and let Christ bear our sin and then choose to live for Him, or we decide to take it on ourselves, and that is devastating for all ternity. If this is not a choice you have ever made or you find yourself today away from God, please choose Christ today ~~ don't wait, we are not guaranteed tomorrow!!

This is not the way this post was going to go, so I believe that there is someone reading this right now today that needs our Jesus. If you are that person please e-mail me. I will pray for you, with you, whatever you need. I believe in the power of prayer. And if you are a follower of our precious Lord (which I know many of you are) pray right now for the lost souls that are touching your lives in this season. Pray for God's drawing and pulling, pray that they will recognize His beautiful conviction, although it feels so painful, and pray that God will use you to be a catalyst to bring that person to Christ.

If you went to SYATP with one of your youngin's or you helped to support a school with SYATP, please let me know how it went!! God is so at work dear ones ~~ HE IS DOING A WORK!!

Love and squeezes,



  1. I am not "that" person but appreciate your post - as Christians we need to be reminded daily of God's goodness & grace!

  2. You are so precious! I love your heart for Jesus and for others!
    OH- and I can't wait to hear about the nickname! :)
    Praying for you!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing the "particulars" about your Mayo trip! I am so thankful that you will be staying on campus. When we were there with our son a few years ago, we stayed close by and got to take advantage of those underground pedestrian tunnels. They were a lifesaver because it was SO cold and snowing like crazy while we were there. The place is incredible, but oh so organized and efficient. I know that you are excited to get some answers.

    I will be praying for you as you travel and while you are there. (I will also be praying that you will get to stop AT LEAST one time during your 10 hour drive! lol)

    Love you, friend!

    P.S. Congratulations, Dakota! Great job!
