Well this is quite an ambitious goal, 1 book a week, but I'm going to give it the old college try. Right now I seem to have a lot of time on my hands since my knee refuses to cooperate after big days of PT and/or exercise and home. When it swells and is stinky I am sitting. Prior to this resolution I was watching WAY TOO MUCH TV!! Boo Boo ~~ So I have turned that time into reading time and I finished the book to review today on Saturday. A day early !! WOO-HOO!!!
So without further ado . . . I give you MM-R!!!
Review of “here am I, Lord . . . Send somebody else!”
By Jill Briscoe
This is a great book for a new believer to read. It is clear and concise and helps to explain matters of faith.
It is written from Moses’ perspective and the fact that he wanted the Lord to send somebody else to do the job. He felt inadequate and ill-equipped to do such for the Lord. It is interesting because I have often felt this way as well. That what God was asking me to do couldn’t possibly be meant for me, because I just am inadequate. But in all our inadequacies God equips and that is a theme in this book. He equips me/us, so we don’t have to worry as long as we are trusting Him.
What I will attempt to do in these review posts is just to give a very brief overview of the book. And in doing so pick out a sentence or paragraph that I feel best describes the book. Because who better to describe it than the author’s own words.
So for this book, I felt like this section really captures the heart of the read. It is found on page 34 and goes like this:
“A healthy sense of identity comes from belonging to God through Christ and choosing to work for God’s purpose and plan, not yours. If you choose to obey God, you will likely encounter opposition and hardship, and you will certainly have to practice self-denial. It doesn’t mean you will always rise to the occasion either! In fact, Moses’ first grand attempt to make an impact for God led to disaster.”
Another thing I enjoyed about the book is the matter-of-fact tone that she uses throughout just like in the above passage. No sugar coating on this read, nope, right there in your business ~~ I love that!!
It did take me probably about three chapters to really get into the heart of the book (probably why I didn’t read it before ~~ oh me of little patience). But I am so glad for this resolution, because this book is a really good read.
So if you are a new believer or know a new believer, or just want a book to prepare you to talk with someone new to the faith, or not yet a believer, this is a good book to read. But may I suggest, if you are going to give this to a new believer, please read it first yourself. This is something I try to practice in my own life. I don’t like to give books I haven’t read myself to someone in case of things in there that might lead them astray, you know what I mean right?
Okay, so that is all for the first MM-R. I am so excited!! The next book I’m reading is “Jesus on Leadership” by Gene Wilkes. Now let me just say that I really want to do this every Monday which means I’ll need to be reading a book a week until I get all of these books read, but a book a week is quite an undertaking, so we will see how this proceeds, but it will be every Monday or every other, if I’m a slacker. But so far so good =)

PS If you are interested in more details of the book please let me know. One of the things I am doing as I read, is at the end of each chapter I am writing a very short synopsis (one or two sentences) of the chapter. So if this is a book you are interested in, but need a few more details, just contact me and we'll discuss some meat =)
Good for you for getting one book down for the year!!! And you are so right... be careful what you give someone to read - especially a new Christian... if you dont know whats in there to explain - it could do nothing but confuse... good tip!
ReplyDeleteDo you feel like a Final Exam is coming with all this cramming of the books? :-)
Love the new look. I am looking forward to your book reviews. I have seen Jill Briscoe at a womens conference years ago I really enjoyed her.
Look at you getting all FANCY with your blog design! I LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with your first book review. I wish that I had more time to read, but I have trouble staying awake when I read. Maybe it's the fact that I am actually STILL for a change when I read. You have really set an ambitious goal for yourself, but I know you can do it!
Can't wait to hear what all you glean from all the books you read this year!
Love you, dear one!