So I went and got her and we spent the afternoon together. We stopped and got us a soda at the new Casey's in our town (big doin's around here), and made lunch and then she drew me a picture (she is 16 what can I say) anyway... then we made cookies and went out and looked at the was so fun. I think she just needed a place to go. Ya know how it is sometimes .... just a safe place. I'm so glad I could be that place for her yesterday.
Well here is the picture she funny. At the top it says "Jesus take the wheel! Cuz Dakota's drivin'" hahahahahaha yeah he even thought that was funny. And then the red building is a school house (jail =), and yes that is Dak in there. I am in the green dress ~~ diggin' me that green dress, but my chin, she seriously funkdified my chin =) And that is her all stylin' jeans and way cool earrings, I so wanted earrings, anyway...... =)
Then that is a cheese burger at the bottom and I haven't a clue why it is in the picture other than she'd had a cheese burger for breakfast ~~ yes I was confused on that one too =)

Then after school Dak came home and took her home, how funny, so she could go floating. Yep that Alyssa had quite a day =)
So this morning was my morning to teach in CYC, and the Lord gave me an object lesson to give the kids as part of the lesson. You should have seen their faces ~~ it was great!!!
I set out a table cloth on a desk and added two place settings. One with glassware all pretty like complete with real silverware and the other one was a paper towel with a Styrofoam glass and plastic spoon, and I asked them which one they'd rather eat from, of course they said the glassware. Then we went over to James 1:13-15 and read about the enticement and progression of sin.
Then I added cookies and chocolate milk to the paper towel side and put a whole onion and whole uncooked sweet potato and left the glass cup empty and asked which one they wanted now? They all chose the paper towel. So I asked them which one reminded them most of sin, and one of our girls said the one with the onion because it will make you cry. WOW!! So right!!!
Then we talked about David and Bathsheba and the progression that sin took in King David's life and the consequences and how the consequences came later, they weren't instant, oh but they came!!
Then I put the glass and cup at the front of the table and poured chocolate milk into the cup as well, and asked them which one they'd want to drink out of, and of course it was the pretty cup. Then I added Glass Cleaner with Ammonia to the pretty cup, and I didn't have to ask that time, no one wanted the pretty cup anymore. So then I showed them that it just looked like chocolate milk, if they hadn't saw me add the ammonia they wouldn't know it was poisonous, but if they drank it there would be HUGE consequences for them, maybe even death if they drank enough of it. That is the way sin looks may even taste good at the time....but oh the consequences it brings.
James 1:13-15:
"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; 14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
That is the progression of sin. Tempted by our own evil desires, dragged away and enticed, desire conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it grows up = death.
It was a powerful object lesson for me. God works so beautifully. This was not the lesson I set out to study last night, I had something different in mind, but God had this instead. It was great and very timely for our kids and for us as adults. We must keep our armor on and remember we are in the world, but not of it.
Have a Blessed and Beautiful Friday ~~ Dak has his Spring Concert tonight ~~ YAY go son!!!

I'd say that's an honor for a high school girl chose to hang out with you on a skip day!!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed with your object lesson. Very nice.
Good luck and have fun at your Spring concert, Dak!
WOW... what cool parents to let their daughter sleep in!!! And even cooler she wanted to hang out with you!!! Dont young 'uns make you feel young yourself?
ReplyDeleteAnd what an AMAZING visual lesson... I may have to borrow that one!!!
Thanks so much for sharing your faith walk with us!
ReplyDeleteI have shared a blog award with you over at my blog. Check it out!
Blessings, Hope
You are making such an impact on the youth that you are around. I know you are such a blessing to them!