I used to think that the Proverbs 31 woman was unattainable, unreachable. But yet, it is in the Bible, so it must be at least reachable, to a degree, and it must be important to God. It is of great importance. I believe that God desires me to understand this, and through this understanding I will understand more of the person; the woman, I am to be in Him. This is important. So in researching these verses, I am trusting that God will reveal to me Truths in His Word and that I will grow as a woman.
I remember the first time I heard about this woman whose price is far above rubies. No I was not sitting in church or listening to a preacher on the radio. Quite the contrary. At this particular time in my life, I wouldn't have even know which channel to turn to, to get a preacher on the radio. I was a twenty something living my life, you know, my way. I knew little of the Word, but I was drawn to people who did. ~~ Total God thing!! smile. ~~
There was a woman, probably about 4 or 5 years older than me, and she LOVED God. It was evident in all she did and all she was. I loved being around her, because I was intrigued but also because I felt safe.
Well, she wasn't married, but she really like this guy, and I remember her telling me one day that she wanted to be more precious than rubies to him. She wanted to be that kind of woman. Well I didn't know what she was really talking about other than she must be speaking "King James" again and that rubies were my favorite stone at the time. (Isn't it GREAT how God uses those seemingly small things in our lives to impact us GREATLY!?!?!) I wanted her to tell me more about this and she did. She described this Proverbs 31 woman as being worth far more than rubies and her desire to be that to this man. I was taken aback by this. I wanted to be that to, kind of. Back then it was so hard, it's just hard when your away from God. If you are there today, away from Him, know that He loves you so.
He was wooing me, drawing me, pulling me, in the most amazing ways. I look back at those times and see it, but it was hard to really see at the time. If you are there let me encourage you to open your heart up to those things. Inquire, seek Him out....child He will be found by you.....He wants to be found. Life in Christ is the most amazing life ever lived.ever.
This was one incident in a series of many over the years that drew my heart back to Christ. I smile when I think of this larger than life, yet humble and gentle woman. I don't know if she ever married this fellow or where she is today. All I know is that her life impacted mine greatly back in those days when life was hard, really hard for me. I was not out of Father's eye or His reach. I am so thankful. I am the woman I am today because of dear one's in Christ like my friend. She made a lasting impression on me.
There is much to say about the Proverbs 31 woman, but what God is bringing out in me is that she is a woman who LOVES her God and her family with a tenaciousness and joy. There is much I will be saying about this in future posts. I am studying out the Hebrew text and it is very intriguing to me. I want to be the woman God has designed me to be. I love that He has drawn me to this particular study at this particular time in my life. I'm not using a study guide or book, I just really feel like He is saying to my heart.....let me teach you dear one. And what better teacher is there than the Holy Spirit.
So in light of this teaching, God has really been helping me in my skills as a wife and seeing the really important duties as such. One of those has been cooking. I really enjoy cooking, but to really cook right takes some skill and effort, oh yeah and muscles =) So I've been working on this skill and have fresh wheat bread rising in my kitchen even as we speak. I'll let ya know how it turns out. I just wanted to draw your attention to my recipe blog as well. I have been trying to update it more regularly since I'm cooking more regularly. And I posted the recipe for our yummeee Chicken Enchilada Casserole (CEC) we had last night for dinner on my recipe blog. Can I just tell you, it is one of our fav's, so I thought I'd share.
Have a Beautiful and Blessed Tuesday,

ReplyDeleteI too wish to model the Proverbs 31 women to an exact T. I wonder if we spent our whole lives in pursuit of it, I don't think we would fully mature until we lived and breathed our last breath.
I want to become the ultimate wife for my hubby. I want him to talk so highly of me when I am not around and desire to be around me when we are apart.
Thanks for setting some classic examples on how we can achieve that step by step.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I am looking forward to hearing more about what the Lord is showing you through Mrs. P31. It is certainly scripture that as a woman we can not ignore. I have heard so many women shy away from her, somehow belittle her or just in any way they can convince themselves that she is just too unattainable and the Lord must clearly not be speaking to her. BUT as we get closer to God and as we start to get even a glimpse of His character we know in our hearts that Mrs. P31 is in the Bible for a specific and wonderful reason. She is the example that I must look up to and work each day to emulate. Thank you friend.