Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another First Last ..... Love is a Verb Day 15

Okay, so let me start by saying that the original title to this post was "Love is a Pity Party Today". And no, I am NOT kidding. That is what I entitled it before I went over to Deidre's to grab my "Love Month" button (see above =) Well, when I got over there, she had posted, and what a post it was!!! She posts today about there being "No one like our God"!! And then that is when this post COMPLETELY fell apart, PRAISE HIS NAME!!!

You see, this particular post finds me struggling. I'm having a hard time with me knee, and the enemy is trying to discourage me, but I am pressing on. Sometimes chronic pain is so constant that I can't get away from it......hence the pity party........ but I am choosing Joy today and knowing that there is "NO ONE LIKE OUR GOD!!" NO ONE!!!!!

Well, last night was another first last for me this Senior year. Do y'all realize that my baby, my BABY is graduating in less than 3 months. What in the blue blazes is going on?!! It has happened so quickly. I am, however, finally starting to get a handle on things a little bit, anyway, that was until last night.

Last night was my LAST Parent Teacher Conference EVER!!! It was really nice, for it being the last one and all..... All the teachers LOVE my son and they love me too which is really nice. There is one class that he is kind of struggling in, and because the teacher likes me he was careful in how he worded the problems, etc. It is so nice to be respected and loved by your child's teachers. So nice. And don't worry all is well and Mr. H assured me that Dak's grade is only reflective of one paper and the bulk of his grade comes with the final assignment. This is a college course and that is the way he teaches and grades it. Besides that class, his lowest grade is a 94.4% in CHEM 2. Wow he didn't get his smarts from this chic-a. And then besides that his lowest grade is 100% and he even has a 110%. Now how does that happen?!! When I was in school and did extra credit and exceeded the 100% mark, it was like there was a cap on it or something. Weird I know. And I digress....


I was at school for probably close to 2 hours just talking and hanging out with some of the coolest people in the school system as a whole. Fantastic teachers and just really nice people. They all told me how much they were going to miss Dak and just what a great kid he is. Does this mama's heart good to hear that. Really good.

But wow is it moving fast!!! Tonight is Project Grad meeting and then Friday another First Last..... Homecoming!! I may hyperventilate!!! Where is my brown paper sack for crying out loud?!!!!!!!!

I love him so!! He is dealing with a lot right now with trying to figure out what he wants to do and just school in general, but wow in less than 3 months he's out of school and a whole new chapter begins.

I think we need to buy stock in the brown paper sack industry.

Well, I have pictures and a funny, cute story for you about Sir Cuteness and I on Valentine's Day, but I haven't the energy to download the pics so it will wait another day.

Love you all and thanks Deidre for holding my hands up in the midst of the fury today and not letting me throw that Pity Party afterall. I feel MUCH better!!

Psalm 27:13-14 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD, be strong and take heart, and wait for the LORD."


  1. Bless your heart, Dawn. You are so sweet. First of all, know that God understands and gets when we're hurting. Because there is no one like Him :), we don't have to pretend we have it all together - thank the Lord.

    Secondly, I read another verse this morning that has me feeling at ease ... Isaiah 54:17 says that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I'm not feeling like I'm in a particular battle that's unusual, but I do know that the enemy would rather I walk defeated instead of joyful. Truth be known, I choose 'defeated' more than I can count - but, God fights for me, which means he is tenderly reminding me He is good and attentive to my every need. Yours too.

    I love you so! I'm praying for your pain to be taken away and for your spirit to be lifted. You are a treasure.

    Sorry to hog your comments :)

  2. Dawn, You will have several more first last before the year is out. You made me realize what all those moms experienced every year before graduation. Dakata has grown up so fast since that first day of K. I'll continue to pray for your knee pain that it continues to subside, and especially for D. Love You
