Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Part 2

It seems like Christmas ran for days
with a lot of little Christmases and no 
real big Christmas this year.
Just kind of a different year for us.  

So the Christmas in yesterday's post
was actually on Monday the 23rd
since Sir Cuteness goes to his mama's 
for Christmas Eve
and then Christmas day until noon.  

On Christmas Eve I went and saw Dak.
He is just so sweet.

I might have been a bit happy to see my boy.

My Mr. Winslow asked me what I wanted for Christmas.
I kicked over a few things,
but honestly, I don't need a thing.
But I did want to start Project Life this year,
and so he got me a PL kit.

Such pretty colors.....

And look at this album.
So fantastic!!!

Then on Christmas
I made a little Christmas lunch 
and took it to my sweet mama.

She loved having a home cooked meal
on Christmas.....

And a gift she asked for didn't hurt either.
She wanted a whistling tea kettle.
So that is what we got her.
A red one of course.

I love my mama.

Then came home and watched one of my favorite
shows of the season:
A Yellowstone Christmas on PBS.
I LOVE this show.
Having been there on vacation many
years ago, it is so cool to see it all decked
out in white.

Then Skylar got home Christmas evening
and had a gift from Granny (my mom)
to open.

He sure does like a good present.

I had coffee and quiet time.
My favorite.

And then my favorite cousins were in from Louisville.
Here is Sir Cuteness and I waiting on them
to arrive.

After lunch we went to the mall.

And after our company left the mall
Sir Cuteness and I stayed and played.
He told me that He loved Grandma time
because we could do whatever we wanted.

Like shake the hands of the mannequins.
He was SO fascinated by them.
It was cracking me up!!

And we ate gummie frogs.
It was such a fun day!!

I got the iPhone 5s the week before Christmas,
and didn't have a case for it.
And my cousin Heather from Louisville
as soon as she saw it said,
"Get a case on that!"
I don't even think she had sat down yet.
So to make her feel better about it
I bought a case while I was at the mall.
Its funny though, this pic makes it look baby blue,
It is not.
I don't enjoy baby blue.
It is teal.
I enjoy teal.
With a little bling.
Girl likes her bling.

Then when we got home from that excursion,
Sir Cuteness had a package in the mail.
We had ordered these Carhardt overalls
for him, but they got caught in the UPS 
debacle, but boy did Amazon take care
of us.  
They refunded our shipping $$$ (we had it expedited)
and they gave us a $20 credit.
We really weren't upset they didn't get here until
the day after, but it was really nice that they
did such a good job of making it better.
We appreciate it Amazon.
We really thank you!

My knee has been acting up.
I am back on my cane.
I'm over it.
But handling it well.
I just don't want to talk about it,
and whenever anybody who knows me sees 
me back on the cane, they want to know about it.
I just don't know what to say.
It is what it is, I suppose,
and with no doctor here willing to see me,
I guess I deal until I am in the mood to start
looking again.
So yeah.
That's probably the most I've talked about it.

And then it all came down.
I usually do this the day after Christmas,
but with company in,
Sir Cuteness and I had fun stuff to do,
so it waited a day,
and then with the knee being hard to get along with,
My Mr. Winslow jumped right into help me.
He is so cool like that!!

And of course if there is tape,
or anything mechanical involved
Sir Cuteness is right in the thick of things.

And with that
Christmas is done for another year.

Sir Cuteness says HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Have a Blessed and Beautiful Day ~~ 

1 comment:

  1. Teal with bling is pretty awesome :)
    You mean I coulda hitched a ride with your Louisville family? ;)
    Glad to see Sir Cuteness with a shirt on for more presents! haha! :)
